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  • Writer's pictureHelen Zink

… is a great way to build relationships, uncover hidden talents, assign work in ways that increase wellbeing and build psychological safety. It can also be a great way to get to know each other if you are a new team and kick off deep and meaningful conversations that aren't too awkward. 

If you are tight on budget and full strengths profiles seem out of reach, strength card exercises will give you some of the benefits. 

A team I worked with recently loved the card exercise so much (see picture below) they want to roll it out across their entire function. (Not sure how I'm going source enough cards to do that - a challenge for another day 🙄)

Get in touch if your team would like to try it!

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It can be useful to name pain, map it, talk about route causes, share stories, and identify what you can control and influence. You may find your ability to manage pain is stronger than you thought! 

A team I work with did just that (see below). They turned some of their pain points into clear and achievable actions, providing some relief. 

If your team is in pain, please get in touch. Let's discuss treatment options.

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  • Writer's pictureHelen Zink

While out enjoying balmy autumn weather yesterday, I was struck again by the beauty of autumn leaves and what we can learn from nature.  Examples:

·      Tough winters are followed by periods of regrowth and spring

·      Cycles are vital - slowing down is important to maintain resilience

·      We can’t control our environment, but we can control what happens inside us

·      There is beauty in every season

Whether you are experiencing autumn or spring at the moment, metaphorically, or in reality, take notice. Chances are you will learn something if you pay attention.

If you or your team value nature and metaphors to open up curiosity and learning, please get in touch, or see the resources section in

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